26 Mar - 2018


Pantheon is an investment firm based and specialized in Spanish market. As investment firm, we manage investments across two specific asset classes, real estate and private equity.

As investors with an industrialist vision, we aim to generate attractive investment returns by following a patient and disciplined approach, employing high-quality people, pursuing the highest standards of excellence, and aligning our interests with those of all our investment partners.

We provide tailored opportunities based on your specific requirements. From your personal family investment and needs, to your corporate investments. Our family business background instilled us values of commitment, responsibility and long term relationship with our Investors.

Our team gather long experience in Investment and Real State markets and Operations. We partner with the best suppliers and services companies to provide the best support to our operations and a powerful network of local people and companies; governments and public institutions, and also global relationships – both inside and outside of the firm.

The company mission is to become your reliable, committed and true partner in your Spanish Experience.

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